Theology & Philosophy

Spiritual enrichment, intellectual development and career aspirations form this program as students journey into the greatest Western religions and philosophy.  Guided by accomplished and published professionals holding the highest degrees in their field, you will learn scriptural, doctrinal, moral, ritual, and pastoral traditions through time-honored writings and open class discussions.

“Remember when you leave this Earth you can take with you nothing you have received, only what you have given: a full heart, enriched by honest service, love, sacrifice and courage.” – St. Francis of Assisi

Your Courses

Learn the origins and traditions of the greatest Western religions as you challenge and explore your own beliefs. Stimulating development and growth through fairness, scholarly objectivity and intellectual versatility, the Theology and Philosophy curriculum promotes mature thinking with concentrations in Theology, Pastoral Ministry, Catholic and Franciscan Theology, and Philosophy.

Program and course information:

Theology and Philosophy, Theology Concentration, BA

Theology and Philosophy, Pastoral Ministry Concentration, BA

Theology and Philosophy, Catholic and Franciscan Theology Concentration, BA

Theology and Philosophy, Philosophy and Ethics Concentration, BA

Theology Minor

Philosophy Minor

A Few of Your Career Options

  • University professor
  • Hospital chaplain
  • Campus Minister
  • Religion Teacher
  • Counselor
  • Attorney
  • Program Planner for Dept. of Human Services

Active Learning Opportunities

  • Choose an internship at various religious institutions and agencies.
  • Fill Campus Ministry leadership roles through liturgical, social and service activities (for Catholic and non-Catholic faiths).
  • Create relationships with the community through service-oriented projects helping the needy—including service trip opportunities.
  • Experience the life of St. Francis in the Assisi Experience, an eight week on-campus course ending in a ten-day trip to Italy.

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